At one point during the episode, Carl, who for the record is an amazing guy who I had the distinct pleasure of losing to at Adepticon this year, began to discuss the goals he and the others had for their hobby this year. Now, this topic got me thinking that it would be a good idea to make a post outlining my goals for the year. Also, this gives me a place and audience to be accountable to.
Below I will outline my goals and into he near future I will get a page added to the sidebar with detailed progress of each of them.
So this year we are going to have a theme:
Nothing is Fielded unpainted in a Warhammer game again!
So where does that leave me for goals?1- Get my 2500ish point Sons of HORUS assembled and Painted.
2- Paint the remaining Knights of Penance(Dark Angels). Probably about 2000+ points.
3- Built and convert and Paint project "Dirty Dozen".
4- Finish out my 2000 points of Warriors of Chaos.
Now for non Warhammer we hate these goals:
1- Get the rest of my Warmachine painted... All 11 remaining models.
2- Paint my entire 1800 point Late War German army for Flames of War.
3- Finish custom paint jobs on all my X-wing ships.
So by year's end all of my models should be painted. This also means I really shouldn't buy more unless I want more work lol.
That's quite the list of projects you have going.
ReplyDeleteWorking on some orks myself, building Von Strab's army.