Thursday, April 24, 2014

Unexpected Results

So now that I actually got around to my first post it isn't what I expected.

Wednesday I wound up setting up a Flames of war game at the local shop, Little Big Wars.  So Tuesday night I built my list which consisted of 2 Tigers, 2 PAK 40s and 9 Half tracks.  Seemed ok but 1 problem.  I only had 5 and the other 5 sat unbuilt on my shelf.  So late Tuesday I grab down a box of Plastic Solider company half tracks and set to work.

So I started in on a batch of 5 more...

These kits by the way are just great.  Lots of detail but not too much.  They leave the option to keep them simple or have a decent amount of stowage on the vehicles. 

So clipped down and did some gluing in hopes I could get enough done to be playable Wednesday without losing too much sleep.

About an hour into the process I had everything for the chassis cleaned and sorted.  There is quite a few pieces and I suggest utilizing the beds of the vehicles to keep stuff together as you clean and sort.

So about an hour later we got to have the benches and drivers Al good.  Took a bit to clean the parts as some are quite small. 

Also took some careful work as a lot of them only go 1 way and on a certain side.


Lets stop and make a note on mold lines and 15mm scale....

If it is a visible vehicle part I will clean it.  If its a solider and a minor line it can stay.  It's that simple in my book.  I do clean all the contact points but other than that I am kind of lenient as far as what lengths I will go to.

Now back to our regularly scheduled hobby time....

So what you see above is my stopping point for Tuesday night.  Though Wednesday at lunch and my break I got the tops of the vehicle and the gunner and both Machine Guns attached so only stowage and passengers remain at this point.  Though unfortunately there are no more progress pics.  Once I get back to working on these I will post some fully assembled pics and once they are painted I will post them as well. 

This is a project where I am still debating getting them outsourced or trying to fit them in to my schedule.  Thoughts from the readers?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

So, let's kick things off here. 

To start with lets go with why I am doing this.
  1. I want to chronicle my painting progress for the hobby as a whole.  I want to watch and share my progress with an audience.
  2. I want to share my game progress and growth of each army I collect.
  3. I want a place where I can log my painting as far as what colours I use for figures and how I mix the colours to get the look I want.

Now that we covered the why, let's look at the what. 

What can you expect to find in my blog entries:
  1. Painting Progress:  Pictures and diary style entries of my painting.
  2. Army growth:  The choices I make to grow each army and the items I get assembled.
  3. Games Played Overviews:  Short overviews of the games I get to play.  Not so much battle reports as I don't really keep good game notes too often.
Well for now I will cut out.  Expect another update tomorrow or the next day.
